2013 ticket prices will go high!

The tickets will be increased even if the prices will not. Several experts specialized publication as CNN Go agree that the tickets will be mounted following the return in the area benefit airlines, mergers of several large companies in the United States and Europe. Already, the cost of tickets has risen 10% in the last 2 years and is expected to increase by 3% in 2013. All cause largely hidden fees or multiple paying options as an integral part of the purchasing process online or boarding formalities. Carriers realized they were doing business with gold excess baggage and the multitude of options often default check their booking process.

The five major U.S. carriers have generated more than $ 12 billion with costs in 2011, with more expected in 2012, according to the PwC report.

Fees and options multiply on flights

The most notable trend in recent years with airfare, there is more. Services that were once included in the price are found in option: the cost of baggage, seats, meals on board walkways and many others.

Basically they put a good price on the ticket to get you. Once the purchase process started. You add insurance gives the choice of seats with a default fees attached and just before making the payment with your credit card you add a service charge per ticket. For a few dollars more here and there a lot of people will not want to start to fill all the information on another site and close their eyes.

It is a return to the starting point before the tragedies of September 11, rates are back to the same point. Think about it a bit once you go buy the ticket at the airport. You said that your suitcase too heavy 5 kg. You need lighten or pay a surcharge to have exceeded the allowed weight. What do you do? you are taken to court, you have selected your essential baggage you still do not put extra weight in the trash. You will pay the excess with a twinge to quickly resolve the dispute.

Another movement that could be put forward at the beginning of 2013 is transparency on all airfare. Bills that are growing in North America that will require airlines to advertise ticket costs seamlessly. Posted on total price with taxes, fees and other charges so passengers can make an informed choice. This policy has already been implemented in the European Union.

Airlines are back in profit and they do not intend to shoot them back. Costs are a good source of income that can with a little ingenuity transform a non-paying flight or a flight very profitable very profitable. Looked at the fine print before clicking everywhere. Reduce your luggage key rates will not go down. If you have luggage you can leave it on the floor add kilos of luggage with your booking. Rates are often less than 50% of what they charge you at the airport. For the rest good trip anyway.

bobby Dennie

GetLostinAsia est édité par Bobby Dennie un canadien amoureux de l'Asie basé à Singapour qui couvre le terrain depuis 2007. visitez la page a propos GetLostinAsia is edited by Bobby Dennie a Canadian based in Singapore. I am a South East Asia travelling Junkie.I am writing and discovering asia since 2007.

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